If the Innovative Team made the decision to response these concerns with immediate solutions, they would basically be securing those figures into that place and time -- or more intense yet, ruining future tale material. So image this: You have discussions from several boards with a large number of concerns. Not only do those concerns have to be categorized for material already in perform, they also have to be categorized according to what is to come later on. If a query includes something that may or may not become a future story aspect, it can't be responded to. But once those concerns are categorized out, then there's the process of responding to them and determining what can get a flat-out response and what can't.
All of this is more than likely done while tracking the truly amazing, huge, whomping monster that is the World of warcraft story. The solutions that the CDev division side out can have an effect on that story in a powerful way, so they have to be very, very cautious about what they choose to response, how they response it, and what terminology they use when responding to it. In other terms, it requires a lot of considering and research just to reduce a customer survey that actually can be responded to and keep the fan platform of gamers pleased while they're at it -- and even more time to actually come up with those solutions and make sure that everyone on the CDev group is apparent with what's being said.
Keeping all of that into concern, four a few several weeks isn't a really quite a while to delay.
Not set in rock, unless it already is
Once you get to the solutions themselves, that's where the brains comes in. When you're talking about a tale that hasn't been completed yet, you have to be cautious not to provide anything away -- you'd ruin the tale you're informing, and that wouldn't be any fun, would it? Sometimes, however, concerns can have a immediate response, like the following few from the thread
Q: Have we seen a actual powerhouse yet in Arena of Warcraft?
A: No, only their designs.
Q: Why do blood elves still have natural eyes?
A: Data corruption from fel initiatives requires a while to wear off. It's why most orcs are still natural even though Mannoroth is deceased.
Q: The "There must always be a Lich King" concept seemed awfully dubious, arriving from spirits stuck in Frostmourne. Was there something else going on there?