
Endowed Knife of the Windseeker

Why did this product exist?

We'll never be sure why Blizzard developed this product that was never developed to be seen. Perhaps the group was just playing around with studying how to itemize famous items, and this was just a behind-the-scenes studying device. However, Blizzard growth has developed quite a few playing-around items that are itemized much less ... reasonably -- Martin Fury and  Buy WOW Gold Martin Magic (since relabeled Martin's Damaged Team, for factors we will find out another day), for example. Those items have always been clearly noticeable as growth sources, but the Talisman of Executed Shard really is quite affordable.

One description is that since the Thunderfury pursuit sequence couldn't be completed until Blackwing Lair was applied, the Talisman of Executed Shard could have been an doll of beginning ideas for that pursuit.

Thunderfury, Endowed Knife of the Windseeker, is obtained via launching Thunderaan, son of Al'Akir, from the Bindings of the Windseeker. You release Thunderaan, defeat him in fight, and wrest the blade from his corpse. When Ragnaros closed up Thunderaan in the Bindings of the Windseeker, he given the bindings to two of his minions: Garr and Baron Geddon.

Before Blizzard resolved on the Bindings of the Windseeker as pursuit items, it's very possible it was considering the concept of building several legendaries to find a famous device. It is a Talisman of Executed and has a nature-based magic impact connected to it. It suits Thunderfury thematically and could have been one little item of the challenge to getting Thunderfury.

