Trolls are interesting figures to roleplay. There are a few reasons why Trolls are at the top of my list for roleplay. First and major is the point that for all the Trolls in Azeroth and all the tale we've been given about all the various Troll communities, there's not a lot of real information out there with regards to day-to-day Troll lifestyle. Customs, events, group ties -- it's all kind of a secret. Yet the real quantity of lifestyle we've been given is just enough to perform with, within the perspective of what little we know. Storytellers, experts of voodoo, the kaleidoscope of Loa and their regards to the Ancients -- it's all up in the air to muck around around with.
The other objective Trolls are just so interesting is that they've come so far from so little. In vanilla taste, the Trolls seemed like a unexplained inclusion to the Team, with no investment of their own and very little in the way of backstory. Troll popularity providers were placed in Orgrimmar, where the Trolls had a small area of the town to contact their own. Offer WOW Gold Vol'jin sat in Thrall's compartments and never really did much of anything. When Cataclysm was declared and activities started arriving out when planning for the growth, the Darkspear got a huge distress of story, with components that can and should impact every roleplayer.
Suddenly, the Trolls have a investment of types, and they have a innovator who has jumped from two-dimensional obscurity into a full-fledged personality with his own opinions. Vol'jin doesn't thoughtlessly adhere to Thrall, nor does he consent with every option Thrall makes -- and that is designed coldly obvious from the very origins of the Troll beginning area. Trolls have much more information and many more story aspects to perform with now than they ever did in vanilla taste.