
To get the staying JP products shouldn't be a problem

You'll want to start off by getting at least two items of your level devices (although really you'll want all three items, so you might as well get them all as your first JP purchases). After that, it really is just a problem of improving those spots that are your the most fragile in conditions of ilevel. Most likely, this is going to be ornaments and probably jewelry, with your magic wand and device creating out the last bit.

It will be these spots that keep you returning the most in conditions of forcing your ilevel great enough to arrive at troll dungeons. If you PVPed your way to 85, then being able to get the staying JP products shouldn't be a problem at all.

Finishing that out should net you only one trinket and only one band, which is an awesome step. You can get the shoes, but keep in WOW Gold ideas that they're BOE, so you can have another character that with an unwanted of JPs to buy them and provide them over instead of getting them yourself. Based upon how your other spots have converted out from unique drops, you should be relatively near at this factor to attaining your objective.

One of your disadvantages is probably going to be your device. Even if it's not, you can increase your weapon's ilevel to make up for any other sluggish spots. By now, many individuals have revealed the blacksmithing benefits from their Hyjal dailies. I would suggest getting a Masterwork Elementium Spellblade. By this factor, most of the costs on these daggers should have decreased a more reasonable stage -- and this is actually a very excellent sharp blade to start with, particularly for a non-raider. To go with that sharp blade, I'd suggest investing any unwanted JPs that you may have on side on a Hermit Light. In reality, I'd get one of those whether you get the sharp blade or not; no one truly is aware of how awesome a awesome lamp is until they're stuck in a dark, dank cavern without one.

