
T-second unique abilities

Wrath of Air Totem: in his own air of anger put a totem, will improve the pattern super and the super pointer accidents, must be Buy WOW Gold cleaned out

Mana Springtime Totem: in his own release of a amazing totem-chuen, will continue the wonder of their own, have to encounter cleaned out

Stoneskin Totem: in his own skin put a rock totem, 30% decrease of harm, like to easily affect down

At this stage only excellent interest to the law of the T outcome to the other interest Lightning excess, easily affect down the totem long-range, near fight in the aspect of the tea can be

When the shaman's magic run out after the second stage

P2:? -0%%, And improve stage, will be modified by two-shaman who hand-to-hand, at this stage of the shaman is a amazing actual physical harm BOSS, competitive and battle you win some and criminals, but also the use of a number of abilities to allow treatment of more disorder Simultaneously, the shaman will use their anger to the returning of the Blue, the following skills

Various kinds of shock: with the shaman, mentioned that the earth quake would be outside the MT whenever be in use, excellent injury

Wind anger: T-second unique abilities, releasing the likelihood is incredibly RP

Turmoil: with the shaman, may not even pay interest to the elements gusts of wind anger, the second best T

Wind stylish totem: Shaman companion to increase the amount of Cheap WOW Gold at once improve the spouse's disappointed gusts of wind to release the likelihood must be cleaned out

Earth Totem power: the shaman to improve companion harm, the same must be cleaned out

