
So how can you get going with the lottos?

Personally, I'm a big fan of the lottos because, hey, free is free. It's always a welcome surprise to log into the game and see your mailbox stuffed to the brim with useful goodies. I've won a mount, several housing decorations, tons of potions (50 morale potions go a long way to keeping your character safe) and Buy WOW Gold in the few short months I engaged in the system.


So how can you get going with the lottos? It's pretty simple, actually. The first thing you'll want to do is to log into the LotRO site and navigate over to the My LOTRO tab. Make sure you click on the "Home" button, and then add the lottery widget to your dwelling page. The Lorebook has a quick tutorial on this -- it literally takes just seconds to do. Click the big lotto button, make sure that all your characters are selected for every lottery, and hit submit. It's that easy!


Finally, you're going to want to get in the habit of checking the lottos every day. There's a regular schedule of lotteries on the site; different lotteries become available on certain days and for characters of certain levels (for example, lowbie characters are eligible for the "Welcome Wagon" lotto). On top of that, the devs often throw in special lotteries at random times, and many of these lottos can be the ones with really desirable goodies. Lotteries spring up more often around certain holidays, as well.


Note that there are some issues with the lottery widget and system. I kept getting an error trying to submit all of my characters this past week, until someone told me that it may not like some of my older characters that may or may not exist any longer (but are still on the list for some reason). So I just selected my main characters instead of everyone, and the error message went away.

