
I don't see why druids should be disappointed

-Brought to you by Elementiums strategy for modify (changing our capability returning into ST)
Druids should be pleased.
I perform both a shammy and a druid and Buy WOW Gold I could health care less.  Personally, I think its a protect objective for some other objective why they modified it.  And by the way,  spirit baby wolves are type of op =).  Evaluate them to treants, or regular water elementals and they just seem so much better.  Dont want them to get nerfed though, they are a lot of fun.
kind of op in the way that enha shammies can't destroy most sessions with equivalent without them?
Enough QQ!
I don't see why druids should be disappointed, every category seems to be taking capabilities from other sessions.
Actually me and my sibling examined Treants VS Wolves a few periods. Him being in AH doldrums and veggies with 2-3 items of PvP devices and me in Interval 2 with PvP jewelry, cpe and all that. Treants could take me out by themselves within their length while my sibling (in moonkin) was hardly scraped by them.

treants + 2 Hot's is similar to Spirit baby wolves. not that i don't really like them though.
Just to explain, by them do you mean the spirit wolves?  As in treants from an AH doldrums druid could destroy your complete s2 shaman, but your complete s2 shamans baby wolves could not destroy the moonkin in AH blues?
yes them is the baby wolves. and yes that's what occurred. it was a couple of several weeks ago and tommorow i'll analyze it again but believe in me Cheap WOW Gold are monsters in PvP.

