The expert physician is clearly the most discussed five careers. 1.0.4 spot changes for the expert physician as set out in the modification of other careers, to recognize the very few players use abilities, research the factors for their unpopular, and eventually to improve these abilities, so they are more players. Some of these abilities only need to make a little modification, such as enhanced damage or improve the duration of some of the abilities you need to be more focused changes. Here will introduce important changes for the following three aspects: * call for pet family members abilities - viability; estimate discover skills; toxins dart, and the zombie keep guide.
Summoned pet is a important function of the expert physician, actually, many shamans players are the leaders of the journey from the use of the call for pet expertise. Unfortunately, despite call for a pet in the performance of typical problems, but in the headache of dreadful and purgatory problems, their balance is almost zero. This outcome is clearly not what we want to see, so in the 104 spot, we will call for the pet family members abilities to make a significant enhancement. Improvement objective is not a substitute pet to endure in challenging, but also for those who like to call for animals that players can appreciate more fun.
From a style perspective, we wish that the expert physician animals in the the battleground efficient more time, hold up against more damage for the players, but we do not want to basically developed to be too highly efficient. Summon pet expertise cooldown is accurately developed for this objective.