Following Age of Conan, you know it's here we are at the traditional page from the encounter director. Funcom's Craig "Silirrion" Morrison obliges us with a lengthy look returning at 2010's AoC milestones as well as a glimpse of what's arriving this year.
In inclusion to continual material rollouts and tweaks of the existing 2.1 develop (which is set to consist of two new Pai-Kang 6-man circumstances, new tier four Jade Citadel raids, a solo daily example, and two new auto material generation dungeons), Morrison hints at a possible tie-in with the forthcoming Conan film.
"Some of the factors [on tap for 2011] might just relate to the come back of the fantastic barbarian to the big screen later this season through the new Conan movie. That is something we are very thrilled about, and indicates there is fantastic prospective over buy, with a lot of renewed attention in everything Hyborian," he creates.
By this, I do not mean "content that occupies the 1-20 stage band." I mean material that's up to the standards of what Paragon Companies has done with Praetoria. I've gotten a sweet hit of what the encounter can do, and I want more.