
Disappears materials ringing off the hook.

First, we have to prepare additional equipment and a 6 plus 7 more equipment, first with a plus 6 enhanced. If the material to strengthen the continuous disappearance of 2 plus 7 times more than put that piece of equipment, plus 7 ringing off the hook if we can not strengthen equipment. If the rate of 7 downgrade strengthen our equipment, the rate of disappearance of 7 of the WOW Gold must be strong once again the case. In the absence of success can only be enhanced if we need to strengthen the equipment plus 6 in the process of strengthening appear and then disappears materials ringing off the hook.

They put that piece of equipment, plus more than 7 if ringing off the hook, we can strengthen the need to strengthen the equipment. If the rate of disappearance of 7 of the need to strengthen the material and equipment once again downgraded or materials disappear or explode before they can strengthen our need to strengthen the equipment. At the same time, the sales of DN gold increased at rapid speed. If the rate downgrade there must also be downgraded once again to strengthen, ringing off the hook material disappeared, only to strengthen the equipment we need to strengthen!

If the equipment plus 6 to a certain extent even drop 2, they can directly enhance the equipment we need to Buy WOW Gold strengthen! As long as this method is correct, strengthen our equipment in a time of material lost can continue to strengthen!

