What is a Agreement Note
Contract Observe is a confirmation of deals done on a particular day on part of the consumer by atrading participant. It imposes a legally enforceable connection between the consumer and thetrading memberwith regard to Buy WOW Gold purchasesale and agreement of deals. It also allows to settle disputesclaims between the trader and thetrading participant. It is a precondition for filing a issue or arbitration proceeding against thetrading memberin situation of a argument. A real contract note should be in the recommended type, contain the facts of deals, stamped with requisite value and duly finalized by the approved signatory. Agreement notices are kept in duplicate, thetrading memberand the consumer should keep one duplicate each. After confirming the facts contained therein, the consumer keeps one duplicate and profits the second duplicate to thetrading memberduly recognized by him.
What information are required to be described on anything note released bythe stockbroker
A agent has to problem an agreement note to customers for all dealings in the type specified by thestock return. The contract note inter alia should have following:
Name, address and SEBI Signing up plate of the Member agent. Name of partnerproprietorAuthorised Signatory. Dealing Office AddressTel. No.Fax no., Value variety of the participant given by theExchange. Agreement variety, time frame of problem of contract note, agreement variety and interval of time for agreement. Constituent (Client) nameCode Number. Order variety and buy time corresponding to the deals. Trade variety and Trade time. Quantity and type of Security boughtsold by the consumer. Broker and PurchaseSale quantity. Service tax prices, Securities Transaction Tax and any other Cheap RS Gold levied by the agent. Appropriate stamps have to be affixed on anything note or it is described that the consolidated stamp liability is compensated. Signature ofthe StockbrokerAuthorized Signatory.