
Operation of Age of Conan Guild

1. How to make a guild. It is very easy to develop a guild in Age of Conan. First, you need tobe at stage 20. Then you should start the Guild Control Screen, and name your Guild. When you are ready just hit the make button!

2. Alluring associates and guild management. Once you make a guild, you should encourage some associates to improve your guild size. In Age of Conan, it has a few different methods to do this. You should feedback the name of the individual you want to encourage by using the overall activity UI. Just start the Players and PvP window from and basically select the "Add by Name" option and it will carry up a new window from which you can encourage the gamer to your team, your friends record, your guild.

3. Guild management. After you created the guild and you have welcomed associates in it, you need to handle it successfully. Age of Conan reveals a Guild Control option. If you hit to make the guild in the first position, it will appear a new window that has your primary guild information, your idea of the day, the location of your guild town, and your guild PvP Cheap WOW Gold, the next tab is the guild tasks web page. From here you assign rights to each position of the guild. As the different government you select for your guild, the position names will change. The third guild tab is the Guild Achievements window; you can see all the success your guild has obtained.

4. Discuss. Guild chat in Age of Conan is quite easy. You can use the /gu control and also the auto notice when the Age of Conan gamer wood logs on or off the overall activity.

